304“九一八”事变前夕,刘长春(李兆林 饰)是东北大学的学生,在德籍教练指导下练习短跑,事变后,他回到了家乡大连。刘长春目睹了山河破碎的祖国现状,伹他从未放弃训练,决心有一天能为国争光,他的做法得到了妻子姜秀珍(马镜 饰)的支持。日寇控制下的伪满要他代表“满洲国”参加奥运会,誓死不当汉奸的刘长春躲过追捕 -
375A dangerous game, full of traps. A dispute of power, money and desire. On one side of the board, delegate Giovanna Torres, on the other, the wife of a -
陪审团十二人 第一季
38612个普通人在一场充满争议的谋杀审判中被选为陪审团成员,在这场审判中,一名妇女被指控杀害了一名儿童。 -
447After the mayor of an idyllic island village discovers a child with mysterious powers awash on their shores, the once peaceful community devolves into